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فارسی عربي


Audience picks at Iran’s RIFF announced

Iranian feature 'The Lost Strait' has topped the audience picks at the 15th edition of the Resistance International Film Festival (RIFF) in Iran.

Bahram Tavakkoli’s 'The Lost Strait', which depicts Iranian combatants in an epic battle during the last days of the Iraq-imposed war on Iran, was followed by ‘In the Levant Time’, made by Iranian director Ebrahim Hatamikia, which took the second place.

‘In the Levant Time’ portrays an Iranian pilot who, along with his son as copilot, is seized by Daesh terrorists in Syria.

‘Underwater Cypress’ by Iran’s Mohammad-Ali Bashe-Ahangar came in the third place.

More than 23,000 people took part in the online survey to pick their favorite film from among 12 Iranian features which have been screened in this year’s edition of RIFF.

The RIFF, one of the most prestigious international film festivals in Iran, is dedicated to productions on wars and the repercussions of armed conflicts in the world.

It also puts a spotlight on the resistance of the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime, Daesh and their terrorist attacks in the region, and the world’s tyrants and their backing of Daesh.

The 15th edition of the RIFF kicked off on November 26 and wrapped up in Tehran on December 1.

